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Ancient times
Ancient times 1: Manual splitting
Ancient times 2: Tools supported

crackling of the fire on / off

LFS Linnorie Firewood Services - Impressions 1
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Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

our little hut with displayed sales units

hardwood forest

hardwood forest

from wood to warmth

"The Bin" forest - softwood

"The Bin" forest - softwood

from wood to warmth

Loading hardwood

Loading hardwood

We always check our suppliers and know where our roundwood is coming from

hardwood delivery to Linnorie Park

hardwood delivery to Linnorie Park

Linnorie Park is within easy reach - just 250 metres from the junction A96 and A97 in Huntly (roundabout)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

plenty of room

softwood delivery to Linnorie Park

softwood delivery to Linnorie Park

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

another 25 tonnes

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

LFS automated roundwood processing

LFS automated roundwood processing

loading the feeding table with the forklift

LFS automated roundwood processing

LFS automated roundwood processing

loading the feeding table with the tractor and frontloader

LFS automated roundwood processing

LFS automated roundwood processing

Loading the feeding table with the tractor and frontloader

LFS automated roundwood processing

LFS automated roundwood processing

Another portion is brought to the feeding table

LFS automatically chop & split

LFS automatically chop & split

how many tonnes did we need to lift manually in ancient times!

The wood processor

The wood processor

Hakki Pilke 42

LFS 15 tonnes of power

LFS 15 tonnes of power

Split with one action into 4 or 6 pieces.

LFS automatically chop & split

LFS automatically chop & split

LFS efficient and cost effective

LFS efficient and cost effective

another step of automation. Bigger throughput keeps the cost per m3 or kg low. Therefore a fair price for our customers.

LFS trailer, loose, green

LFS trailer, loose, green

from here to the customer and tipped the load of logs into a shed is the absolute cheapest way

minimising handling is essential

minimising handling is essential

use the appropriate tool. Rough terrain pallet truck with waste bits

LFS automated roundwood processing

LFS automated roundwood processing

1m3 bulk bag with slings

LFS automated roundwood processing

LFS automated roundwood processing

directly into bulk bags to be seasoned

Product: logs loose, unseasoned

Product: logs loose, unseasoned

for 500mm logs: 1m3 loose counts as 0.4m3 solid wood

Quality assurance

Quality assurance

all products are weighed and the moisture content measured

Product: pallet and posts

Product: pallet and posts

for 500mm logs: 1m3 stacked counts as 0.8m3 solid wood

Product: pallet and posts

Product: pallet and posts

easy to move around with a pallet truck

Product: pallet and posts

Product: pallet and posts

Product: pallet and posts

Product: pallet and posts

Product: pallet and posts

Product: pallet and posts

As we are operating a biomass boiler in a district heating scheme with 4 houses, we know what makes live easier

Product: bulk bag with slings

Product: bulk bag with slings

easy to handle with a (rough terrain) pallet truck, a forklift or a tractor with frontloader

Product: bulk bag with slings

Product: bulk bag with slings

plenty of seasoned stock

Product: bulk bag with slings

Product: bulk bag with slings

easy to stack

Product: circular bundles

Product: circular bundles

easy to roll or move around with a hand chart, sack truck or trolley

Product: circular bundles

Product: circular bundles

for 500mm logs: 0.4m3 stacked counts as 0.28m3 solid wood

Product: circular bundles

Product: circular bundles

the forklift can just slide underneath and lift the roundle

Product: circular bundles

Product: circular bundles

easy to stack

Product: circular bundles

Product: circular bundles

weigh with frontloader

By-product: sawdust

By-product: sawdust

By-product: kindling

By-product: kindling

By-product: bark

By-product: bark

different grades - degrees of fineness

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Park with firewood logs for Aberdeenshire & Moray

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

machinery compartment at Linnorie Park LFS

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

storage area at Linnorie Park

5.6m3 tipping trailer

5.6m3 tipping trailer

local deliveries

LFS firewood delivery

LFS firewood delivery

Weighed with crane scale: This load of 500mm logs is 1 tonne and is equal to 2.5 pallets with posts

20m3 farm trailer

20m3 farm trailer

medium distance deliveries

90m3 artic tipping trailer

90m3 artic tipping trailer

long distance or bulk deliveries

relax and enjoy the fire!

relax and enjoy the fire!

Linnorie Firewood Services - "from wood to warmth" - for a cosy home

relax and enjoy the fire!

relax and enjoy the fire!

LFS - "from wood to warmth" - for a cosy home in Aberdeenshire & Moray

LFS Linnorie Firewood Services - Impressions 2 
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New Gallery
Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Banner at the roundabout. LFS is the firewood supplier with easy access!

From wood to ...

From wood to ...

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

roundwood stacks in the nearby forest

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Extension completed in July 2017 - more room

LFS Delivery

LFS Delivery

Delivery by tipper truck with cage and taillift and 8x5-ifor-trailer

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Park

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Clean and tidy place for self-collecting - January 2017 after concreting

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Clean and tidy place for self-collecting

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Clean and tidy place for self-collecting

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Roundwood is delivered

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Roundwood is delivered

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Roundwood is delivered

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Rom was not built in one day!

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Clean and tidy place for self-collecting

Products: Bags,  pallets and posts

Products: Bags, pallets and posts

For customers with bigger quantities who like easy moving around by pallet truck or forklift

Products: Bags

Products: Bags

LFS Delivery

LFS Delivery

Delivery by tipper truck with cage and taillift

green or seasoned?

green or seasoned?

Logs directly from the processor can never be seasoned as the core will still contain to much moisture!

LFS Delivery or self-collecting?

LFS Delivery or self-collecting?

Customer trailers and LFS delivery vehicles are waiting to get their loads to the customers

Know the volume!

Know the volume!

The volume of a load can be pretty deceptive. But not with a 1m3 tipping skip

Fill big trailers

Fill big trailers

Fill efficiently big farm trailers or artic trailers

Tipping skip

Tipping skip

Tipping skip

Tipping skip

18 cubic metres of loose logs

18 cubic metres of loose logs

Products: Bags

Products: Bags

Products: Bags

Products: Bags

Product: Wood boxes 1.5m3

Product: Wood boxes 1.5m3

easy to stack

LFS Products

LFS Products

LFS Products

LFS Products

LFS Products

LFS Products

LFS Products: pallet and posts

LFS Products: pallet and posts

Ideal for biomass boilers. BSL authorised

LFS Products: pallet and posts

LFS Products: pallet and posts

BSL authorised

Hardwood logs: birch

Hardwood logs: birch

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Crates nicely stacked hardwood

Crates nicely stacked hardwood

How to make customers happy

How to make customers happy

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

The extension to keep products dry and drive-trough for self-collectors

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Extension more room to prepare products for deliveries and self-collections

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Extension more room to prepare products for deliveries and self-collections

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS)

last but not least - it must be a safe place

Store away job. You can relax!

Store away job. You can relax!

Another load for Shetland

Another load for Shetland

Bridge of Marnoch - more to come

Bridge of Marnoch - more to come

Big loads - we make it happen. Shetland is waiting for quality logs

Macduff harbour just in time

Macduff harbour just in time

Just coming from the slip

Just coming from the slip

Keep Shetland warm!

Logs to keep the houses warm

Logs to keep the houses warm

Hardwood and Softwood

Hardwood and Softwood

Green and seasoned. The Ilands have plenty of wind to season the logs

LFS Product: Kindling

LFS Product: Kindling

Enjoy the radiated warmth

Enjoy the radiated warmth

LFS: From wood to warmth


crackling of the fire on / off

Here you can see videos from LFS and youtube. You can find a lot of information and handy tips by posting any keywords in one of the search engines. But don't forget the old saying:
"Processing wood makes you sweat a lot of times, if you don't do it in an efficient way."
1. to fell timber, 2. to load and haul, 3. to chop, 4. to split, 5. to stack, 6. to take from stack and bring the logs inside, and 7. last but not least to put wood in the fireplace, stove or boiler... even during the warm season. Therefore think of the right sales format and the logistical aspects.

2:58 Timber delivery with artic lorry to Linnorie Park

LFS can easily store hundreds of tonnes of roundwood and is close to the junction A96 / A97

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS) can easily store hundreds of tonnes of roundwood. This roundwood can either be bought by LFS or belong to a customer.


The premises are close to the junction of the trunk roads A96 / A97 (Huntly roundabout).









3:59 Loading the feeder of the wood processor

with the John Deere 2650

LFS can either do this job with the forklift or like in this video with the John Deere tractor and the muck fork.









3:13 Loading the feeder of the wood processor

with the Yale forklift

LFS can either do this job with the tractor and the fork or like in this video with the forklift.









3:59 Efficient firewood processing

Up to 420mm diametres and logs of 600mm length with 13.5 tonnes of pressure against the splitter head. The logs are put directly into a

- trailer (could also be yours) 

- big bucket or tipping skip to be tipped into big trailers (artic lorry, farm trailers)

- bag or wooden boxes to season in our yard

- or your own containers.









4:00 Filling big artic or farm trailers with green logs directly from the wood processor

by means of a tipping skip

  • with the unique â€˜4 way entry’ base

  • manual operation and automatic tipping at high level without leaving the safety of the seat

  • contains 1 cubic metre and makes it easy to supply the volume required by the customer (no could be estimations) 








2:36 Processing big trees

10 tonnes, 7.5m reach timber trailer to transport or to handle big trunks, saw and lifting devices as required and a powerful splitter with up to 900mm diametres and logs of 1070mm length with 18 tonnes of pressure.









2:17 Processing small Roundwood to Wood Chips for Gardens, Playgrounds and Arenas

10t timber trailer to transport or to handle big trunks, saw and lifting devices as required and a powerful splitter with up to 900mm diametres and logs of 1070mm length with 18 tonnes of pressure.









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crackling of the fire on / off

Don't take it too serious

2:51 Maker Series: Artisanal Firewood - This Is That

We don't go that far as it could be a wee bit pricey! But when you wish us to do so - then we will do it.

This Is That profiles Smoke & Flame, a Vancouver artisanal firewood company that is selling bundles of kindling for $1000.











2:46 Traditional music: folk song lyrics "Logs to Burn"

With logs from LFS you can enjoy a cold winter day. Maybe with this traditional song?

Logs to Burn


Logs to burn, logs to burn,

Logs to save the coal a turn,

Here's a word to make you wise,


When you hear the woodsman cry.


Beechwood fires burn bright and clear, Hornbeam blazes too,

If the logs are kept a year, to season through and through.


Oaken logs will warm you well, if they're old and dry,

Larch logs of pinewood smell but the sparks will fly.


Pine is good and so is Yew for warmth through wintry days,

The Poplar and the Willow too, they take too long to blaze.


Birch logs will burn too fast, Alder scarce at all, Chestnut logs are good to last, cut them in the fall.


Holly logs will burn like wax, you should burn them green,

Elm logs like smouldering flax, no flames with them are seen.


Pear logs and Apple logs, they will scent your room,

Cherry logs, across the dogs, they smell like flowers in bloom.


Ash logs, so smooth and gray, burn them green or old,

Buy up all that come your way they're worth their weight in gold.


Trad: English From singing of Johnny Collins AG apr97. The lyrics were originally written as a poem  in 1926 by Honor Goodhart

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Please help yourself to download the following LFS-documents

Jul 26, 2016

LFS Banner pantone 723

please click the picture

  • This LFS document is the official banner from wood to warmth

Jul 26, 2016

LFS Banner background black

please click the picture

  • This LFS document is the official banner from wood to warmth

Apr 24, 2016

LFS Banner Signature from wood to warmth

please click the picture to see this LFS document and check your download folder

  • This LFS document contains the signature LFS banner from wood to warmth

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Firewood by LFS for customers with stoves, open fireplaces and log boilers in the area of 

Aberchirder, Aberdeen, Aberlour, Aboyne, Alford, Ballater, Banchory, Banff, Braemar, Buckie, Cullen, Dufftown, Ellon, Fochabers, Fyvie, Gardenstown, Garioch, Huntly, Insch, Inverurie, Keith, Kemnay, Kintore, Lumphanan, Lumsden, Macduff (incl. Orkney & Shetland Islands), Milltimber, Oldmeldrum, Peterculter, Portsoy, Rothes, Strathdon, Tarland, Tomintoul, Torphins, Turriff, Westhill ... or even farther away ... depending on quantities, self-collecting or combined deliveries

Linnorie Firewood Services (LFS), Linnorie Park, Huntly, AB54 4PT Aberdeenshire 

Phone 07365 804428                                    

Vat registration number: 205 6992 93                  Royal Bank of Scotland

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